- • Led and supported the design and implementation of the data driven approach to improve access to malaria services and significantly reduce the malaria burden in two Northern States, while building strategic multisectoral collaborations and strong partnerships. This program focused on enhancing data-driven planning and implementing tailored interventions at subnational level to meet local needs.
- • Spearheaded a randomized controlled trial (RCT) in Kaduna State, Nigeria, assessing the impact of provision of low-cost malaria diagnostic testing and conditional treatment subsidies through Private Medicine Retailers (PMRs). The project aimed to bridge healthcare gaps in underserved areas ensuring equitable access to ACTs and curbing inappropriate usage.
- • Played a pivotal role in integrating malaria surveillance data into the National Malaria Data Repository (NMDR) and transforming Nigeria's entomology surveillance system from paper-based to digital platforms.
- • Contributed to the TESTsmART study, a randomized controlled trial that to test the effect of conditional ACT subsidies and modest provider incentives on appropriate use of ACT and mRDT in the retail sector. This research provided critical insights into how both provider and patient-directed incentives can improve fever management.
- • Supports and participates in several malaria technical working groups at the national level to provide expert guidance, contribute to policy development, and collaborate on strategic initiatives aimed at malaria control and elimination.